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Hey there guys and as you can see, I'm Chaotic_Rage. Note that the selection for Teamspeak was chosen as I don't currently have it downloaded, but I could probably download & use it just remember I use a mac + the same for IRC.

I'd really love to be a moderator on your server as I'd love to help around the server wether it be /modreq , building massive structures, enforcing anti-griefing, etc. Your server is the server I've been looking for - and for quite some time. Been looking for a server with:

-Tonnes of players
-Survival mode
-Friendly & helpful staff
-An actual challenge!

So far I've loved your servers and I'm definitely going to be trying my best to promote them, for example Youtube videos and Minecraft series. and to give you more information, I'm going to use the format I've seen on another players' post as I am unsure if using sed format is required for a valid application.

Age: 16

Which server(s) are you applying for? Survival

Which position you're applying for: Moderator

How long have you been a part of the server/forums? I have been playing on the Server for about a month.

Have you had any experience as staff on other servers? I am able to handle many things consistently, and I play this game frequently so I'll most likely be online ALOT!

Are you familiar with some of the server plug-ins staff members use? No, but I do know of SinglePlayerCommands & Worldedit.

Why do you think you should be a moderator on this server? I believe that I'd be an excellent addition to the staff team contributing in any way possible. If I were to become a moderator I'd try my absolute best to help any and all players in any way possible.

Are you active in our community? Yes I am. I try to help answer people's questions on the server when they ask, and I'm figuring out (currently) on how to install TeamSpeak / IRC which would definitely come in great advantage towards helping out the community in a positive attitude

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No


Well, seeing as I've not once heard of you, I can't really say whether or not you'd be a good choice. Teamspeak and Irc especially are a must, if you can't use one of those, you're likely not going to be considered for staff.

I really think you should wait at least another month, or a few before applying for staff. That's just my thought though

And for future reference, only click the post button once. It looks like it takes a long time to load, but it is posted, you can simply reload the page. I deleted your other 6 applications. Please don't make anymore.
No TS / IRC = No nothing