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Brent A. Morris

Brent A. Morris
As a student, I try to find time to play games and study. I am used to balancing both on a schedule. I share a computer with my mother and as soon as I'm able to, I plan to buy one of my own and to buy diplomat. I haven't voted everyday because my computer stopped working for a little bit (a factor in why i am trying to buy a computer of my own) but i fixed it around January 10th, 2017.
I am very skilled with math, and i am looking into computer science as a goal to take while in college. I have always wanted to help out with a server, and if i had to take a guess which position i would be best put, it would have to be a moderator. As of now, i am applying for the L2D server, which i find most interesting.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 25
Teamspeak: Yes