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Well, I though I'd resubmit so here it is. I think I would be a good ambassador because I am a dedicated player who would like to help out. I play on the server alot when there are no staff on, and the chat gets spammed and there is no one to help/mute. I use Teamspeak when i'm on the server and I use IRC occasionally. Also, I don't know if this is relevant but Im learning how to code plugins and such. Thanks for reading!

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: Yes


When I added an application, It gave me a range of ages, not an option to put my age...
Posted Image

I think you'd make a good ambassador. You joke around a lot but you know when to quit and be serious. I've seen you help out in chat a lot as well, and you're on teamspeak a lot.

what about me tobo

Please don't comment things like this on other peoples applications.