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I applied awhile back and after i looked at it more i realized it was horrible, anyway here i go.

I am on IRC whenever it is possible and I am very helpful in chat.
On for usually 2-3 hours a day and i am on at different times than most people.
I live in Iowa, (The USA for people who may not of known) and therefore am on Central Time
I know around 90% of commands and am currently a diplomat. (loving it by the way)
I have a nice words per minute, and somehow tend to injure myself...a lot
I am 13 years old, and I am a British-American.(also part czechslovakian, but who has the time to spell-check that?)
I cannot use TS at the moment, as i made my headset and screwed up the mic.
I may not of been here the longest (about 4 months), but i know more about this server than most people by this time.
I feel i am a good match for Ambassador on the Survival server as i am on at a time when not many mods or ambassadors are, I know lots of things and can be funny when needed. I already help out quite often.

Background Info:
Commonly on between 8:00am-12:00 most days, and then occasionally a lil more.
Very athletic, and in spare time i play minecraft or derp around
I might be a bit strange...but like Lady Gaga i was born this way.


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 4
Teamspeak: No


I must admit, you do an excellent job helping in chat (you're actually more helpful then some of the current ambassadors IMO). I see you've already started using IRC, which is good. You should try to become active on TS as well, even if you can't voice chat you can still use the text functionality for now. You're a bit young, although you seem mature enough from what I've seen of you. You do a good job answering questions in chat, so keep it up. I think you would do a great job as an ambassador.

^agree with above post

Didnt know TS had a text thingy, ill try that today.


edit: Have TS now, just cant use the mic atm :/

I agree with fvqu
BW7 would make a great staff!

+1 Blueberry always helping the new players out alot and always helps out others. ;)

Blueberry would be an amazing ambassador.
Blueberry I've already given you advice and told you what to do if you ever wish to accomplish this task and I must say you've done it to the tee.

This has my full support.

I see an extremely high amount of activity from your good self. Help is accurate and friendly. I hope you're not burning yourself out too quick for the sake of getting ambassador and not realising it. That said I think you'd do the job well and I hope you get given the chance.

Thanks for all the nice comments, in the meantime my dog just licked my laptop...








Noobs are cute and clueless

Very sensible player who doesn't come off as a total try-hard noob when helping out.


Usually helpful and would probably be fit for the job.

However you seem to find it necessary to post a random gif on half your comments...
May 20 2013 11:38 AM

I love blueberry he is always helping out noobs. And from time to time he is helping me out. I think he is a great selection. Even though my opinion doesn't matter I still felt the need to say this.

i agree with super i support blueberrywaffle7

Dem normal Waffles suck......wait

Dem normal Waffles suck......wait

This topic is done, through, finished, old. Please let it rest in peace