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I thank you for taking some of your time to read my application. I've been playing on Muttsworld for a long time now, a year, and I feel that I can help out by being an ambassador on the survival server. I always help, and I like doing it. I'm very good with spelling and grammar. I am available to play weekdays from 3:00 P.M. up until around 9-10:00 P.M. and on weekends from about 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Most people who play on the server know me. I am both kind and helpful to all players. I can deal with spam and troll, and I know when the time is right to give someone a mute. I am able to come on at most times of the day. I know a lot about minecraft, so I can answer most of the questions about how things work. I am familiar with the server, as I have been here for a year. I do have TeamSpeak, and I can use it when and if i'm needed on there, and I do pop in every once in a while to see how things are doing. I play on each and every one of the Muttsworld servers, including tekkit, and I do believe my reputation is fairly high on all of these servers. A while back hugill suggest that I do make an ambassador application, and I have decided to do it now. I am a quick typer and can respond faster than many players. I know all of the chat rules, and I follow them well and enforce them. I know most of the server plugin commands, if not all of them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this application. I do hope that you consider me as an ambassador on the survival server.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 12
Teamspeak: Yes


Feb 11 2013 01:00 AM

I think Bkauf would be a great addition to the MuttsWorld staff. He his friendly, nice and helping a lot.


Best of luck!

I think he will become a great ambassador, however I think you should wait a little longer. You could do it, I just think you need to mature a little more.

bkauf2 is a nice and friendly person . I really think he would make a good ambassador. Seen him on survival a lot helping others and such

I see him in chat alot i say +1 but what i say dosent matter. lol


I think you'd be a good staff member



 You are one of the more friendly people in chat, you can take a troll.

 I like people who can take trolls without overreacting.

+1 cuz he is sexy


Good addition to staff.

If there is anything that I can improve on, please let me know.




i would love to see bkauf as an ambassador :) he is fast and he gives good answers to questions, +1



:) good for u