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I am 17 years of age at the momemt. I do have a job, but when ever I have the time I will be on Muttsworld. I use to be staff on skyblock and creative a while ago now. Ive just came back to Muttsworld recently, but I would love to be able to be apart of the Muttsworld Staff team again. I am a very friendly, helping, and outgoing person. I would do anything asked of me that would benefit the server. So in other words where ever help is needed and I can provide it I will do my best to do so (Also I am a very quick learner no matter what it is). I have discord and I am very familiar with it. Anyway I don't think there is anything more to say except I am applying for the ambassador position on the Survival server. I would be very glad if I do get the position but if I don't there wont be any grudges of any sort held. So if you could just let me know if I did or didn't when you come to a conclusion it would be very appreciative. -beastboy9802

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 48
Teamspeak: Yes