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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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I'm Batfoy1, and I'm applying for ambassador. I have played on this server since I was eight years old (and I'm 14 now). Having played on this server for approximately six years and owning a server, I have lots of experience the commands and plugins, so I can answer any questions thrown my way. I try to help others as things are right now, but I think I could be of more use as an ambassador.
Like I said earlier, I owned a server, so I have lots of experience managing and keeping people under control. I'm usually a little laid back, but when things I out of hand, I'll get strict and take action.
I have a lot of free time, so my hours are open. I think being ambassador sounds like fun, and since I have a lot of free time, it would give me something to do. If I get accepted, I will work my best and not disappoint.


I plan on getting diplomat again, but it's a little hard to afford right now.


Note: My old username was peter55446, in case you don't remember me.


Thank you for considering,

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 66
Teamspeak: Yes


Great player. Helps me a lot on the server