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Hi guys, i'm Archepoint but I prefer the name Archey, I'm gonna start off by telling you guys a bit about myself, I'm 17 years old, I run Track in the spring (the only time I can't be on right after school) I love helping people, my favorite super hero is Captain America, and my favorite color is light blue.

The reason in which i'm applying for ambassador is because first of all, i'm on a lot and I figure I might as well try to help the server out while i'm on. Secondly, I have lots of knowledge on this game, I know all the recipes (even though there's a command to find out a recipe) because I have played it for so long and i'm always looking to learn more and all the plug-ins. Third, I love helping people out, I try to help out as much as possible, aka answering questions, helping players get items, and I can manage chat between servers if necessary. Last but not least, I can type really fast, and I have decent grammar in game so I can be quick to answer questions swiftly.

I am very excited to hopefully be an ambassador if i'm accepted, and I really do think i'd be able to help the server out if I'm given the rank, and if it gets denied I will still try to help the server out to the best of my ability.

With high hopes -Archepoint

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: Yes