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I am Annezlove. I have been playing Muttsworld for about 30 months. I believe I would be a great asset to the amazing team of Muttsworld staff. I try to get on Minecraft as much as possible, and when I do get on I normally go straight to play on Muttsworld. I enjoy playing with others, chatting with them, and assisting them in any way I can. Whenever I can I try to help anyone struggling. I also do my best to keep people talking and I try to get some good conversations going. I spend a lot of my time building random things: houses, castles, rocket ships, farms, etc. Whenever someone asks for help I try to get there to assist them as fast as I can. I feel I could help keep chat clean and healthy and I can also assist players when they need help, whether they need help clearing out an area or building a house, or even placing lava. I realize I am not at the minimum age that you prefer for Ambassador, but I am 14 years old and I will be turning 15 quite soon. I feel I am quite mature, though sometimes I act a bit silly. I have always been debating on applying for staff, but I only now gathered the courage and time to type this essay and submit it.

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 30
Teamspeak: Yes