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Hi, I'm applying for Ambassador on survival cause;

I have some experience with this position as I am one on creative

I am sometimes on when there's no staff online(Moderator's @ Ambassador's)

I try and use the IRC as often as I can, I can also get a team speak if necessary

I love to help player's out on the server and I want to become a part of the survival ambassador community

I also feel that I am fit for this position cause I try and answer questions that I know the answer too

If you don't like my application in any way, please feel free to tell me what is wrong and I will work hard to improve it


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: No


Feels like it's been longer than seven months since I've seen your name, though I may just be getting my times mixed up.
You don't even play survival, you log on for 5 minutes every so often.

Feels like it's been longer than seven months since I've seen your name, though I may just be getting my times mixed up.

I try and play as often as I can but the problem is that whenever I login, Rawrsxc allwase pulls me aside.

You don't even play survival, you log on for 5 minutes every so often.

Dragon, the reason you never see me is cause you don't care very much about me so, that explains why you don't ever see me
I am an observer.
I notice things.
I see things.

My ability to observe things is not impaired in any way by my thoughts, feelings, or emotions.
Making up bullpoopy excuses as to why I said something you dislike is not a good way to to accomplish your goals. Fix what was against you and don't say anything.

Also the fact that you managed to grab 2 responses out of me means this topic has already descended to hell.
Being ambassador on creative really has no weight on survival.