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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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I think I would be a good staff member because Muttsworld is always my go too, and I've been playing on this server for years. I've seen this server rise and fall in popularity, and still stuck with it. I've played with up to thousands of people at once, and down to 10 at a time. I remember when the survival was completely vanilla, and creative was just a "free for all" plot with whitelisted people able to build outside the walls. I've been here for years and never griefed, stole, or any other thing. I've never gotten on peoples bad side, always trying to stay positive. I always try to help others when i can. Helping people is something that I love to do. Although I don't vote daily, I try to vote as often as I can. That's why I think i'll be a good staff member to have. I'm currently 16 years old, about to be 17, and I'm someone who puts a lot of time into school/sports, but I always save some time for games if I can. I value an education, as well as my health. And a bonus is that I'm a 6' red head who's never felt what a sun burn truly feels like

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 90
Teamspeak: Yes