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Hello. I am singing up for Ambassador because I have some experience on Muttsworld servers and its getting too boring, so i'm trying something new. I hope my age doesn't really have much of a problem on me. I cannot use teamspeak because my defense system goes nuts when I download it. however, I can use IRC. School gets me, but I'm on for 1 - 2 hours (6 - 8 pm HST) on weekdays, more on weekends. I don't swear, as I'm REAL young, considering the age of the other people on the server. I'm good on English (obviously because i was born here in Hawaii) and i hope you can make me an ambassador.



Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 2
Teamspeak: No


EDIT! sry i cant use IRC because i get internal server error! sry 4 inconvinence!
With the way you have conducted yourself in game I find to you too immature for the position.