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This is why I think I would make good Ambassador on KitPVP. I have loved KitPVP ever since I first started. I always help new players, love fighting and the AMAZING kits you guys have added. My personal favorite is frog. You get like Jump Boost 100. Anyways, moving on form that. I think I would make good Ambassador because, I love helping to players, one-on-ones with friends, helping Moderator's look for hackers, and I rarely accuse hacks, and KitPVP is really fun. Also, KitPVP is my second favorite MuttsWorld server. My favorite is Survival. And adding on to that AMAZING staff application that some genius wrote... I would love to be staff for KitPVP because, I play MuttsWorld daily. KitPVP I'm on like mostly everyday. (I'm on Survival most of the time) and I am friends with Ambassadors, and Mods. I know spartagon123, Turtle_Sworlayy, Alichie, CNBlueFTW, _South_ who claims to almost get Ambassador but I dont know if he's lying or not. And I know I might not be the best choice for Ambassador but, I think you should consider promoting me to Ambassador on KitPVP.

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 20
Teamspeak: Yes