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Hello. I am applying for a staff position on Muttsworld PvP. I know I have applied for and recieved a Muttsworld PvP staff position before but I assure you I am determined and willing to keep and cherish a Muttsworld staff position. Now lets get into this shall we? I am 15 years old and I go to a public high school. I have interests in video games, music, technology, U.S. History, and the Holocaust. I am looking for a staff position on Muttsworld PvP because I have observed that the PvP has had lack of interest lately. I believe I should have the privilege of being a staff member because I believe I can bring the PvP server back to life by advertisement and maybe adding some more attractions like mini games on PvP. Such as skywars and parkour. I believe I should bring up the fact that people played on Muttsworld PvP more when it was a Towny server aswell. I am kind, mature, hopefull, and I love socializing with others. I know many players on Muttsworld and I am friends with many aswell. I would be honored to be once again a part of the Muttsworld family. I have a new look on being staff and I would love to be back. Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 58
Teamspeak: No