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Hello, Mutts. As some of you know, I have been an Ambassador for roughly four months. Before that, I always played on mutts daily, and I still do to this day. And today I would like to ask for a promotion.

The reason I ask for a promotion to the rank of moderator is because of many different things. Mainly, it's because there have been many hackers recently, and not enough mods online to handle it. I believe this has happened upwards of twenty times since I became an Ambassador. I will also help whenever and however possible in kitpvp in regards to other issues other than hackers.

All of this under one condition, of course.

My one condition is that I should be allowed to fight with the rest of the people in kitpvp. I know that mods and higher staff are restricted from participating in any sort of pvp, but I would like to be able to do so. If this request is too much to ask from you, then please ignore this post entirely.

Thanks, and have a great day.

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 9
Teamspeak: Yes


Application Approved - Welcome to the Kitpvp Staff Team!

Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: Yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 17

Teamspeak: Yes


Hello Muttsworld. Today, I am applying for the position of Survival Ambassador. As you may know, I am currently Sr. Mod on Kitpvp and Ambassador on creative. I finally decided to apply ever since I started to become more and more active on survival,. Due to my past and current experience across the Muttsworld servers, I feel that I would be able to greatly help the players and fellow staff members of the Survival server.



Click here to view the application

Guh... not even current staff read. q,q


In the Application Guide, it specifically states that Mods can simply apply by talking to the relevant Admin in the Staff Chat Site (you know the one).

Yes yes, but I decided to do this the way everyone else does to make it fair :)

Fair is everyone following the same guideline. Which is this one: bit.ly/MuttsApply. Which states for current mod+ staff to use staffchat. o,O 


Your candidacy is weighed equally with other applicants based on need and qualifications; it just lessens the forum clutter.

Application Approved

Boom: Locked.