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So for a while I've been thinking about making a staff application and I finally decided that today I'm going to. So here it goes.

Hi :) My name Is Miya and I'm 14. Most of you might know me by my ign, shadowgirlxx. I'm here to apply as ambassador for PvP. I just started playing on mutts again recently (around July) but I played last year on the last map for a few months. Since I've been with Muttsworld for a while now I'm quite familiar with the rules. Lately I've been trying to help out in chat by helping new players and telling people not to use caps, spam, bypass, etc. But I feel like I would have more authority if i had ambassador and they would listen better. I try my best to be on as much as possible, whether I'm at home or I'm out and on minechat. Sometimes I'll be on when there is no staff on and people will be swearing and spamming and such. I always try to get them to stop but It's a lot harder when your not staff so they completely ignore you. If i was ambassador I would be able to help a lot more. It would be easier for me to help enforce some of the rules. Thank you for reading this and I hope you put my application under consideration.


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: Yes


Maybe +0

You need to help out more in chat.


Nov 19 2013 09:14 AM

You need to help out more in chat.

okay i will try to help more . thanks for the advice
We don't really need any more North American ambassadors. Those times are all covered.

Hah, you can become an ambassador once you turn black.




+1 goodluck

+1 very active, would know the rules like the back of her hand

Nov 28 2013 07:16 PM

We don't really need any more North American ambassadors. Those times are all covered.

Not having a go at you or anything, but who cares really? If she's good at it then does it matter? The more the merrier I say.


