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There was no forum to apply for L2D so I am applying here


I found this server many years ago, back in 1.7 i believe, I instantly fell in love with L2D, it's a really intense server to play on and I love it for that, but due to some irl issues which would be better off not being spoken of I had to stop, but now that said issues have gone away, plus getting a new computer as an early birthday gift from a very generous friend, I came back, it took a bit of getting used to with quite a few changes but I still love it all the same and already trying to get to #1 at mctop, I've already made friends and brought a few of my own to the server to enjoy it with.


I have decided to apply as I noticed there were vacancies available, and I want to be able to help out whenever I can, I have had years of experience of Moderator & Admin positions on other servers so I already know The level of maturity I need to bring to the server, as well as a friendly manner towards other players and staff members, I am a fast learner so anything specific to this server, custom Moderation plugins for example, I will be able to pick up quickly and efficiently and be able to deliver the appropriate action to anyone who break the rules of the server.


To summarise, I love the server, I want to help out, and with all my past experience, I know I will be a helpful and friendly addition to the team.


Sidenote: please change the text/background colour, white text on a white background is not exactly easy to see :P

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: Yes


I like it. Although, I do believe you should spend a little more time getting used to the new server, and possibly getting to know the players and staff members. I would also like more information in how you would help the server.


Feedback is always appreciated, I will be sure to give more detail on how I would help out