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- I used to go by the name Flagg2056 but lost the account to a hacker so now i go by Ninja_of_monsoon
- I honestly don't know how long I have been playing on Muttsworld but i know its been a long time
- I used to be a very consistent player up until I got 2 jobs working 7 days a week 80+ hours a week
its hard to find time to play MC when you work that much. I still have 2 jobs and let me tell you it is hard balancing work and life out side of work.
- Anyway I am a long time Block Head player here and if possible I would like to join staff on L2D
if not it does not matter I will still keep playing

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: No
Age: 24+
Months of MuttsWorld: 72
Teamspeak: No