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I would like to apply to be a Moderator on PvP. I know, skipping Ambassador is not a good idea, but currently, there are enough Ambassadors on PvP. The only two mods that still moderate and originated from PvP are Jackymoon and Jelliott. Besides that all other mods that I know of have come mainly from survival.

You may not think that PvP mods that regularly played PvP are any diferent, but having experience PvPing can make it much easier to spot fighting hacks. Survival mods that transfered to PvP might not be able to recognize as well if a player is using Force Field or if he's just a good PvPer. I'm on PvP a lot, I know when someone's hacking and when someone's is just actually good. I'm not one of the people that just calls out hacks every time I die.

I was an ambassador on tekkit, L2D, and FTB Mindcrack until each of their closures. So I have some experience as an ambassador, but none as a mod.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 14
Teamspeak: Yes


Jul 08 2013 02:49 PM
Yes! With Jelliott not often on, it's be great to have another mod by my side, and I think Ltb would be a great pick. He doesn't hold grudges, he's mature and knows his stuff.



I like ktb and he is always helping out on PvP whenever i'm on. He is very trustworthy and would certainty help with the lack of staff as the number of staff on is slowly decreasing. He would definitely make a good Ambassador and probably a good Mod.

My concern would be whether or not you'd be able and willing to take yourself out of being a pvp player, and cutting all ties and alliances so you can be a completely non biased moderator. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THAT SIR

Biased for dayzzzz. WHO WILL I PLAY WITH?! I HATE SKRILL



though I think you should start out as an ambass on pvp, you would be a great mod


Check out IRC. IRC is way more important than teamspeak when it comes to staff.

I had gotten IceChat a while ago but couldn't figure out how to get it working, I'll try a bit more to make it work.


Is it the same usual port? 6667

I had gotten IceChat a while ago but couldn't figure out how to get it working, I'll try a bit more to make it work.


Is it the same usual port? 6667


Use Hexchat.

I got IceChat working, I will be on IRC much more now.

It's never the issue of whether or not a player is using forcefields or the sort. Usually it's extremely obvious.

The issue is insuring there is not a sliver of doubt that hacks are being used, and recording what is happening.

You guys will scream hacks at a player you've never seen before, and a veteran could be doing the same thing and I wouldn't hear anything about it. Then said player gets banned and alls I hear is complaining for the next 18 days, even if the ban was justified.


If people have doubts then people don't shut up, and we get crap like what was on the forums yesterday (BOO HOO)


Also NoCheat makes most fighting hacks laughably easy to detect

I actually agree with Ktb - Pvp needs mods that know pvp - Survival is just not the same and we train those mods in a completely different way.


I would +1 ktb for pvp staff. Maybe start out as ambassador first.

I actually agree with Ktb - Pvp needs mods that know pvp - Survival is just not the same and we train those mods in a completely different way.

I would +1 ktb for pvp staff. Maybe start out as ambassador first.

I expected a .gif or a .png.
I am disappointed.

I expected a .gif or a .png.
I am disappointed.



Katiebee knows what he's doing. He's been around Rickhanschen/BasicEgg. 


He's learned everything he knows from a shady, heavily accented guy that we haven't seen in weeks.


I'm sure he'll make a good Mahaffey replacement.

I expected a .gif or a .png.
I am disappointed.



Flying cat, Flying cat, does whatever a flying cat does. Can he jump to a ledge? NO, cuase he's a flying cat.

I expected a .gif or a .png.
I am disappointed.





ambassador first 

I got promoted to Ambassador, thanks for all the nice comments guys.




ambassador first 

I felt it unnecassary to create another application, so I'll just bump my old one.  I'm still open for mod.






That may have possibly been the least harsh thing I have ever said on the forums.

That may have possibly been the least harsh thing I have ever said on the forums.

Come to think of it, your probably right.
all I see you do is complain -1