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Hello, i am Cody Danyluk also know as "Cody10151" and i would like to apply for PvP/KitPVP and L2D, i have been playing mutts for a few months now and i recently purchased diplomat and have also noticed a shortage of staff on pvp and L2D as there usually is i have been helping others with certain things and trying to keep chat as clean as possible if you want to contact me for any reasons you can get ahold of me by my Email "Cody.danyluk@hotmail.com"


Thank you

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: Yes


Hey Cody , you told us 2 ways you would help.
Also, the only period in that whole thing was in the email.

Good luck.
I've seen you on which is good.

I've seen you help which is good.

I don't see you in chat all that often however, which is not good.

I'll continue to watch you in chat.