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Hello, many of you know me as, CakeBatter3 or Mini. Today I'm applying for the Muttsworld KitPvp server. I am currently moderator on the Creative server, and Ambassador on the Survival and Left 2 Die servers. As an ambassador, I will make sure to see if everyone is following chat rules. I know when to mute, and when not to mute. I will stay calm if a player gets too out of hand and try my best to calm them down. Though, I am not on kitpvp often, I do come on at least once every other day, or I at least try to. If someone is hacking I'm well aware there's not much I can do, but I will modreq it and try my best to get some proof to show to a moderator or admin. I love to help players in need, and being nice to others! If a new player comes online I will teach them commands and tell them about kits, and, of course, welcome them! Thank you so much for reading my application! Have a wonderful day, or night!


-The only,

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 60
Teamspeak: Yes