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Hello their, I been playing on mutts for almost 3 years now, I'm 15 years old, I am very active probably a little to active in a way.... But! my reason for writing this is that,.. i want to be ambassador on the L2D server. I never been a ambassador on any server of MuttsWorld but i do know how to use the commands and i know when people should be mute, and I would be far about it with at least 3 warnings, I wouldnt abuse my power because first, I really don't care what people say about me anymore I'm pretty much use to it by now and second, there wouldn't be a point in me doing it. My adjective is to help the people on the server and enjoy themselves not to make them feel uncomfortable or feel staff is abusive i know first hand what abusive staff feels like and i dont want anyone to feel that way. I love the community of MuttsWorld i been trying to find another server like it for about a year now but i couldn't get close to finding anything like this. So now i want to start give back. If you feel i can be part of your team here on MuttsWorldmine.com then thank you i would love too, other then that thanks for your time and stay cool! :grin:

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 32
Teamspeak: Yes