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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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As some may know me, my name is xElement and I am currently applying for community staff on survival seeing as they may need more support in that current area, I find myself suitable for the job as I am also an experienced mod and community staff on Creative. I am not as busy so I can run events on both creative and survival frequently.


I think of myself as a kind and helpful player and I have shown what I am possible of on creative, I come on Survival almost daily now and hope to help out a little more than possible making Survival more fun and adding onto the events going on at the moment.
I have many ideas for events that could be on Survival like Survive the mobs, Build comps and so on.
I hope you consider me on your team ^-^



Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 60
Teamspeak: Yes


You could've literally asked bam...
You know what.... Nevermind.

uhehuheuehueheuheuehueheu :3


In the words of Bam, 'I'm Interested'. Hehe, you're great though, so me like ^.^ 

In the words of Bam, 'I'm Interested'. Hehe, you're great though, so me like ^.^ 

Thanks ^-^ You're great as well