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Dear application reviewers,

I am applying for the Community Support position on MuttsWorld.

I love to interact with lots of players and already have created fun events where lots of players can come together and enjoy. One of my favorite things about MuttsWorld is the community we have here. The community is really what makes Mutts different and better than other servers, from coming together to play Anvil Games, to spawning a dozen withers on some battle loving players. I have already spent a lot of time coming up with ideas and building games that multiple people can play together.

I love being a part of events and making things happen. I use team speak almost every single day and have many friends all over the server. I’ve played on all of the servers and have learned a lot about how different they all are. I think I know the server well enough to come up with some great ideas to further the community. I’d love to be a part of the community staff and I believe I have the skills and traits that would make me very good at it.

Thank you for your consideration,

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: <10
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: Yes