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Don't know what irc is but i can check it out. I play nothing but towny for the most part.....

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 6
Teamspeak: Yes


I see you in the chat alot, and would have given atleast a .5, but, your application is informal and very short. IRC is avaliable by hovering your mouse over the Forums tab at the top of the page and then clicking "Chat Room". You might want to look at some applications that have been approved and then submit a new application in a week or two. Some good things to put on your application are 1) Which server you play on 2) What position you are applying for 3) what you already contribute 4) why you think you would fit your chosen position well and 5) atleast 3 sentences. (Brownbiscut (long time MW staff) reccomends 200 words) 

Pretty chill dude on teamspeak. I don't really know how he acts in game; but judging from how he is on teamspeak I give a +1
I dont see you in chat helping often. But Im sure you know the commands well enough that you could be an asset to new players.
However your excessive use of /me is brutal.
And as Eggo pointed out. Your essay is quite... minimalistic.
Some attempt to be serious with this would be a nice touch but if you cant be bothered to follow this process why would you bother with the rest?


Essays only matter if they're good.  They are just a way to make the things you do well stand out; if there is no essay, it doesn't really hurt you too much.

Downloaded IRC, but I would need the server info..... Towny is pretty much the only server I play on and am willing to help where needed