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A good organizer, great communicator and interpreter, grade-A hostess, and an active all-around great teamspeaker? :D

. . . ahhh . . sorry? lol . . .

I am applying for the Community Support position for the Survival server.
I feel as if I would be a good fit for this role in MuttsWorld. When it comes to events I can organize well thought out activities that we can all do together. Keeping things running smoothly and having fun at the same time is a great skill I have.

I am 19 years old; and I would be able to make meetings at anytime unless at work.
I would be able to provide the opinions of any other players I come in contact with; because of my weird time periods online, I will also have the thoughts of those in different timezone XD (cause i don't sleep).

I host my own channel on TeamSpeak daily, and I'm an active member of the community both on TeamSpeak and the server chat as well. I'm usually always in a good mood ^_^ and I can (almost) eat a scorpion lollipop . . . sucking on the claws . . . is just . uuughhh!!

I will be a good fit there.

Thank You Very Much For Your Time!


Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: Yes