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Hey, I am penne12, a diplo on Muttsworld. I would like to apply to become an ambassador on Towny. I am very nice, and help people a lot.
I love MuttsWorld's survival and towny. I think I should give back to a server that I love, and make it a better place for everyone

I can play a lot. I have had school, but in one week, I should be on very often. I can be on at times when others can't, like early in the morning, and monitor the fairly-dirty chat.

I can help Towny because I have had experience with being a server admin on a different server, and know how to keep a server family friendly, and not getting people grounded because of chat they see (it happened). I know how to use the commands for most plugins, and know how to look up other commands.

Players like me, and I know that by polling them, and asking how I can be better. I run a successful town because I help players, and am friendly.

Thanks for reading! And for the server, penne12 -- Ben

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 4
Teamspeak: No


Also, mumble is awesome... not to bribe or anything...

Was very friendly, however does need to learn more commands to be 100% effective.

But again very friendly and helpful

+1 from me

Was very friendly, however does need to learn more commands to be 100% effective.

But again very friendly and helpful

+1 from me

Thanks Matty! I am new to Towny, but I do know how to learn fast :). (Wiki and asking, lol).

Ego just thought me the commands I need to know. Thanks ego!!!


  • /lc mute
  • /lc unmute
  • /lc muteall - would probably never use this
  • /lc unmuteall - would probably never use this even less.
Those are embass commands I meant more in depth with the town and nation commands. Res commands are especially good to know because many people dont understand the perms and friends vs resident commands

Those are embass commands I meant more in depth with the town and nation commands. Res commands are especially good to know because many people dont understand the perms and friends vs resident commands

Don't worry Matty, I got those down, too, but rather not type them ALL here. Ask for one, and I'll reply with it (:. I might even design a post that has them nicely hidden away in spoilers. 1+ this post if you want it.

Not gonna -1 or +1 this, as I am not quite sure about how I feel yet. I see Penne help out sometimes rarely , but not much. Penne also seems to greet newbies to towny by saying "Hey join my town, do /accept" and then I never really see much guidance come from there in local chat. Lastly,  you haven't been here very long (your last application, posted on the last day of march said 1 month and this one, says 4...). My suggestions are to 1) be here for another 6 months 2) get to know everyone 3) Approach the newbies by messaging them some of the basic commands. Even if someone isnt new to towny (just new to the restart) then they might want to know that /T is now /tell, that we have multiple new chats and a whole new chat system and that they can see the chats by doing /ch, and that to get into trade chat its /ch tr. Just little facts and whatever they need to going. 3)  dont spam stuff like "#pennefortownyambassador2014 http://www.muttsworl...icationpenne12/especially not in serverwide chat... 4) don't wait seven years to say "jk" after something that could be received as rude, harsh, or insulting. 5) Dont contribute to the "fairly-dirty chat" that you want to/do monitor.


Not gonna -1 or +1 this, as I am not quite sure about how I feel yet. I see Penne help out sometimes rarely , but not much. Penne also seems to greet newbies to towny by saying "Hey join my town, do /accept" and then I never really see much guidance come from there in local chat. Lastly,  you haven't been here very long (your last application, posted on the last day of march said 1 month and this one, says 4...). My suggestions are to 1) be here for another 6 months 2) get to know everyone 3) Approach the newbies by messaging them some of the basic commands. Even if someone isnt new to towny (just new to the restart) then they might want to know that /T is now /tell, that we have multiple new chats and a whole new chat system and that they can see the chats by doing /ch, and that to get into trade chat its /ch tr. Just little facts and whatever they need to going. 3)  dont spam stuff like "#pennefortownyambassador2014 http://www.muttsworl...icationpenne12/especially not in serverwide chat... 4) don't wait seven years to say "jk" after something that could be received as rude, harsh, or insulting. 5) Dont contribute to the "fairly-dirty chat" that you want to/do monitor.

When was I being fairly-dirty??? I would like to know.

Not gonna -1 or +1 this, as I am not quite sure about how I feel yet. I see Penne help out sometimes rarely , but not much. Penne also seems to greet newbies to towny by saying "Hey join my town, do /accept" and then I never really see much guidance come from there in local chat. Lastly, you haven't been here very long (your last application, posted on the last day of march said 1 month and this one, says 4...). My suggestions are to 1) be here for another 6 months 2) get to know everyone 3) Approach the newbies by messaging them some of the basic commands. Even if someone isnt new to towny (just new to the restart) then they might want to know that /T is now /tell, that we have multiple new chats and a whole new chat system and that they can see the chats by doing /ch, and that to get into trade chat its /ch tr. Just little facts and whatever they need to going. 3) dont spam stuff like "#pennefortownyambassador2014 http://www.muttsworl...icationpenne12/" especially not in serverwide chat... 4) don't wait seven years to say "jk" after something that could be received as rude, harsh, or insulting. 5) Dont contribute to the "fairly-dirty chat" that you want to/do monitor.

All amazing points, but it bothers me how there is two 3's.

For the application, I basically say exactly what eggo said.
Didnt see any off that spamming for #ambass that would piss me off.
Just on that i revoke my previous.

Didnt see any off that spamming for #ambass that would piss me off.
Just on that i revoke my previous.

I never did that...

I never did that...

you did that all the time. About 10 times within 30 minutes.

you did that all the time. About 10 times within 30 minutes.

I did it once, but I am very sorry. Should I try again for ambassador later sometime?

I guess closed for now... might think about applying some other time (few months or so). I am sorry for all I have done. I also would also like to ask all the current ambassadors to keep the chat in Towny family friendly. I do <3 this server, and would like to help it grow. Message me if you do want anything. Maybe a website redesign, a plugin, anything :)!

I agree with all of the above. When i get on penne is almost always on. Penne helps all new people make towns and vote. Penne also has a strong bond with most people on the towny server. I think penne would be a great addition to the Muttsworld staff.

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I agree with all of the above. When i get on penne is almost always on. Penne helps all new people make towns and vote. Penne also has a strong bond with most people on the towny server. I think penne would be a great addition to the Muttsworld staff.

all of the above, or just my post :)