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Hello once again community persons! Now, some of you long term Muttsworldites may know me, while newer folks may not. I am aware that in game (on the actual servers) I have been rather inactive these past many months due to limited computer leisure time. This parameter limits my recognizability, that for which I am greatly ashamed. Anyhow:

I am applying this time for Community Admin or Community Staff. I stalk, hunt, and occasionally prey upon the forums in my spare time doing nothing while away from my minecraft-playing-enabled devices. For this reason, and for my above average length history here in the community, I feel I would be well-suited to the tasks required of this responsibility. If I should be appointed to the position I will also be consistently active on IRC, Teamspeak, and also PlugDJ.

Any questions comments, or concerns may (as with all applications, duh) be amended to the comments section of this application or messaged to me directly.

Thankyou for any input you take the time to give.

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 31
Teamspeak: Yes


Not to be Mr. Negative on the application but you say you have little computer leisure time which concerns me in relation to how much time you can spend as MuttsWorld's community admin. Don't get me wrong I know you and your activity on the forums isn't in question however I have never seen you on plug.dj or on Teamspeak. Not only does the Community Admin role require you to manage some of those services to an extent but it also requires that you promote them to our playerbase. As community admin you will also be the bridge/filter between the players, Server Admins, and mumblerit himself which requires that you have some knowledge of issues in the community or things players would like to see done. The last role of the position requires you to be messenger to the players and prospective players by posting server status, event news, and other miscellaneous articles of information to our social media outlets. Like I said, I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but this is a large role with a lot of important responsibilties and we are looking for someone who can take on those responsibilities full time. Very well written application, I just have concerns with your activity and means of carrying out the role.

- Rail


If I should be appointed to the position I will also be consistently active on IRC, Teamspeak, and also PlugDJ.


If you are applying for Community Staff / Admin you should currently be consistently active on all of these. 



You have been part of MuttsWorld for a vast amount of time and I do believe you could manage the role of a Community Staff Member very well. However, other than the forums I rarely see you on IRC, Teamspeak or Plug DJ. I suggest being active more and wish you luck on being a Community Staff Member.