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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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My name is Deontay.

I am applying for Moderator, or Ambassador. I am always on Teamspeak,Plug.DJ, and IRC. I am a very active player on muttsworld. I try helping the other staff keep out the spam on Plug.DJ. I know what songs should be played and what shouldn't be played. I'm on Plug.DJ close to 7-9 hours a day. Thank you for your time.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 21
Teamspeak: Yes


I applied 1-2 days ago, and didn't receive a reply.People applied after me and got replies, so I guessing mine was denied.

If you application doesn't get a reply right away it doesn't mean it was denied. It means we are still thinking or considering how you will do in the position.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm sorry. Thought it was.

Wait are you applying for a position in Plug.DJ? You didn't say what server you wanted to run for but you mainly talked about Plug.DJ so it could be that..

Wait are you applying for a position in Plug.DJ? You didn't say what server you wanted to run for but you mainly talked about Plug.DJ so it could be that..

He is applying for moderator or ambassador on plug.dj
Yes plugdj is part of the MW community and staffed by the community staff.

I believe your are friendly enough. However your list is way to small and i keep having to skip replays even though you have been building id like to see improvement there so i see youre accually understanding the rules/standards we wish to uphold.