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Well, I would love to get away with saying that I'm really not all that good at the essay thing, but that would be a lie. Truth is I'm an English major, close to getting my bachelor's degree in literature and from there hopefully going on to get a job as a (don't be a hater!) High School English Teacher. Besides that, I am a mother of four, two of which are on Muttsworld often (when I don't ground them); lilladybrowncoat and sonofbluebond. Did I mention my husband is Bluebond? Ya, we're a regular minecraft family. Anywho...

I guess I'm just not good at the "tell us how awesome you are" kind of essay. I don't feel awesome. I love the game, (was addicted to lego's as a kid and video games ever since Atari) and Muttsworld is the most respectable server I have come across. It's also massively fun.

I would like to apply to become an Ambassador. Help out noobs, keep trolls at bay, and just make it easier for everyone else to love Muttsworld as much as I do. I (sadly) can not apply to be more, due to personal time restraints (remember those kids I have? Ya, they still want me to like, feed and clothe them and stuff. Man!)

While I may not be the most knowledgeable person in all things minecraft, I feel like I could really help as an Ambassador- and I love to help.



Thank you.

Age: 24+
Months of MuttsWorld: 3
Teamspeak: Yes


Though I've not had the time to get to know you more, I've seen you on Skyblock a fair few times, that alone would be enough for me to say that you could do an Ambassador's job very well.


Best of luck, hope a position comes your way.

Hmm. Grrrrr. All I need to say is show that you can be helpful in chat. I personally THINK you'd do very well but of course you need to make that known through how you conduct yourself in the chat channels and all that jazz.

Just help help help. Get that down and this has my full support.

u should be on the sever longer

u should be on the sever longer

90% sure she's already been promoted. Can't quite remember.