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Dear Staff,


I had just came on your website looking to see what was on it and I came upon this, I know you probably don't want to here a long boring paragraph about how people need this and want it. I don't need anything especially this offer however I truly believe in second chances, I think if you allowed me the opportunity to become apart of this community I could help many kids like me become a better person. I was going a project not to long ago on cyber bullying and how it happens so much on the internet. I would like to stop this and help chance not only on Minecraft but in the world to I not anyways the person everyone goes to for advice but when given the chance to help others who are being hurt I would love to step in. I don't want to do this job for the "high ranking" I would like to help with this job to make myself proud I can help to solve problems and to feel like I have accomplish something by moving you readers and trying to persuade you to choose me as your helper.


Thank you so much for reading this it really means a lot that you took the time, and I understand if I'm not the right fit for the job. Happy Holidays


Love, Julie

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 24
Teamspeak: Yes