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Gabriele Voi


My name is Gabriele Voi and I am 11 years old going into 6th grade. I would prefer a staff rank not too high (E.G. I would not like admin). From a mod to an ambassador to a simple helper is what I would prefer. I am good with Minecraft, knowing every bug and fact and how to use/prevent them. I am a fast typer (Compared to my friends and other MC players) and stay on Mutts World creative, Left 2 Die, and I stay in survival the most of the time im on the server. I know a lot about redstone, but not all (Since there is a lot to learn about Minecraft's redstone and Minecraft itself), and I am a very good planner.

My Birthday is on April seventh, and have a vacation at the end of june and near Mid-winter break. Bieing Italian and partly Thai, I am not an expert at the American language but i do understand and talk about many things (From things with the computer to the settings and options of MC). I have been with Mutts World for about 2 years, which is pretty much since the time that i bought the actual game. I am a warm and lighthearted boy with a happy and funny personality.

My preference with potentially becoming a staff is bieing an Ambassador on the Survival server. I do enjoy bieing mod (Since I have been mod on two other servers and been helper on 3 servers) but like I said I really would prefer and enjoy Ambassador better.

I hope to meeting the staff and becoming one and thank you!

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 24
Teamspeak: No


I have never seen you on mw, and you should put what server you are applying for 

He did say ambassador on survival.

Can you put pineapple on pizza? Yes or No. Your answer to this question will validate or invalidate your Italian card...


As for the application, it actually seems decent, unless you lied about the Italian thing, which is why I asked the above question.