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I want to bring Muttsworld back to the popular days. When it ranked #3 on top minecraft servers. When there were at LEAST around 150 players 24 hours. When there were so many people that my computer lagged just keeping up with the chat screen. (it was a pretty bad comp)

I remember when new players were coming in and out every day. I don't care about my rank in the staff, i just want to do something to bring mutts back to where it was and higher. Now-n-days i get on in the mornings and there's only 4-6 people on, and it drives me crazy!

I don't have team speak because my speakers are busted, but i'm working on getting new ones. I've memorized most commands and all the basic crafting. I keep a cool head; My dad says i hardly ever show emotion. I feel that banning is harsh, and muting is preferred. I give chances. I have no stance on religion, giving me the ability to not take sides when a religious fight occurs. (it happened every once in a while in the old days) I don't take sides, and I prefer calm places, but not lonely ones.

I want to work with the rest of the staff and find ways to push Muttsworld out in front of the other servers. I don't work alone. I noticed that when i get on in the mornings (which is when i usually play) you may have 1 staff member on, or none at all. I could fill that time slot. My time zone is EDT:GMT -4

I'm going to work on memorizing the plug-ins and how to craft the new items. I'm not going to say anything about applying unless asked by a staff. I'll just let them observe my skills.

Thank you for your time.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 25
Teamspeak: No


I've never seen nor heard of you. Are you sure you placed your application in the proper location; as this reads more like an application for a server mod/ambassador/ingame?