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Hello, my name is Emma, also known as edogyoungs. My main focus would be on L2D, if I were part of staff. I've had experience with this same type of server game, and enjoy it very much. Unfortunately I can't use teamspeak, but if something similar is mandatory I can use Discord. I've had experience being part of staff in some fairly populated servers. I'm 17, and home schooled, so I'll be available at a lot of times that other staff members are not. I've have not been playing Muttsworld for very long, but the days I've gotten on, I've stayed on for a while. As for a bad player, for example, spamming, advertising, bypassing, etc. I'd usually handle them by giving 1-2 warnings, and muting them if they continue. As for advertisers, some servers ban them, and some mute, I'll do whichever I'm told.


The reason I believe I should be considered to be a staff member is because I'm very calm and collected when I need to be, and outside of that I can also be a very fun friend and a team player. The fact that I'm 17 might take away slightly from my maturity, but I've been a very serious and mature person since I was young, due to a lot of problems and scary situations that enlightened me to take issues into consideration and make rational decisions.


This is the most that I could think of as of now, any questions that need to be answered furthermore about my application I'd be happy to answer.


~ Edog

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No


~ I wanted to change my application completely because I wanted to be a survival staff possibly, so I was told to just reply to my own application instead.


    Hi, I'm edogyoungs, and I wanted to participate in being part of Muttsworld's staff. I have experience with being a staff member in a few servers, and have self control and can be very helpful. I've switched over a bit more to survival and I've grown fond of it. I could be a very helpful Ambassador, and I am very regularly in chat. 


 Thank you, 

- edogyoungs

nice application ;)