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Gosh, essay writing. Seems way too familiar.
I'm pretty smart. Actually, certified smart. I've taken a test and gotten into an academic program Alternative Program for Academically Advanced Students... so that's pretty good. I have a teamspeak, and occasionally use it, but do to the social restrictions set by my parents can never talk (they don't know I have one, shhh).
And I'm a nice helping person and have good writing skills.
It'd be cool to be like a staff-helper person, but I don't really care. I was just bored and wanted to write something.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: Yes


I barely see you other than the forums.

It'd be cool to be like a staff-helper person, but I don't really care. I was just bored and wanted to write something.

Why are you wasting our time?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Why are you wasting our time?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

I think we should just rename the staff app section too "Wasted Time"

Sent from hell using the holy Tapatalk

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


I barely see you other than the forums.


Why are you wasting our time?