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AwesomePinch or Ivan (My Real Life Name)

Hello, my name is Ivan, and I am applying for CS (Community Staff). I can be on a lot. If you want me to be on the whole time I can play minecraft, I would be more than happy to. I have experienced a lot of your commands, so I think I know how to manage players with them. If someone asks a question, I would be more than happy to answer it. I do that always, so people know their question related to the server. I am experienced with IRC, and Teamspeak. I do not have a microphone though. Depending on user actions, I punish them. I make sure to give an appropriate time and punishment, and make it fair to the other players. If I were to rate my experience, it would be 10/10 with MuttsWorld's Server Commands. If I see someone swearing, advertising, etc, I would mute them for 1 hour to 20 minutes because I do not think it is appropriate. That is only for advertising though. If it were swearing, I would give them a warning. Hacking is an immediant temporary ban. This is because players need to be fair and I don't think it is nice to cheat. I want all players to be equal. I treat players how they want to be treated. I show my wisdom and gratitude to them, because they did something nice.



Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 3
Teamspeak: Yes


You mean well, it seems. But with only 3 months, that's iffy. I like you though. Best of luck.

Hi my real life names is Jip.  I think this man should have a diplo because he seems to be a maximum good guy of 10 years old at least.  

I agree, this man should become a dip because I seen him play quite often and he ALWAYS helps me out!!!!

Hi my real life names is Jip.  I think this man should have a diplo because he seems to be a maximum good guy of 10 years old at least.  



I agree, this man should become a dip because I seen him play quite often and he ALWAYS helps me out!!!!

Diplo?! Diplo is the donator status, blockheads! Plus, it would be Ambassador. You two are very weird. End of story.

^ oddballs. All 3 of you.

^ oddballs. All 3 of you.

+1 to that