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Ok so during my life i made lots of Java code (script) and i have lots of knowledge in bukkits plugins i also created some plugins. During My highschool i was in a data processing program with only qualified students. I have skype if you need to contact me at any time. I worked in some Computers. My brother is a little bit older than my but he is as much intelligent as me and went to go work for blizzard Entertainement and they made me past a test and told that i could start working in 2 weeks. (All of this proves that i am not a Dumbass) And soon i will start do some Youtube video's So i could make some about the server this would do intensive Advertising. I am a very great builder with the age i have i have lots of knowledge and lots of creativity.

I will do some advertising to help as much the server become as popular as possible I will ensure the safety of the chat and i will try to bring peace if so people doesn't respect rules I will do my job as mod by by giving 1 or 2 chance for people who doesn't respect and after this person didn't adjust i will automatically kick. I will do some plugin search and do some suggestion to the admins for some better results I will be a very active staff (i know when people likes active staff so i will be there) I have lots of ideas and if you need my help i will be there at all moment (skype)

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: Yes