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MuttsWorld Minecraft Survival Games Server



In the Treaty of Treason, mumblerit gave us the new laws to guarantee peace and, as our yearly reminder that the Dark Days must never be repeated, he gave us the Survival Games.
The rules of the Survival Games are simple. In punishment for the uprising, each of the twelve districts must provide two players, called tributes, to participate. The 24 tributes will be imprisoned in a vast outdoor arena that could hold anything from a burning desert to a frozen wasteland. Over a period of 20 minutes, the competitors must fight to the death.
The last tribute standing wins.

SG Sign

Server Rules

No client Modifications especially those related to Xray/Movehacks of any sort

Chat Rules

Spam/Advertising of any sort

Minecraft client "glitches"

Do not ask staff for items or ask for mod rank

Do not argue with staff

If you have any issues use /modreq

Diplomat Survival Game Perks
Diplomat Kit
Reserved Slot (non-diplomat will be kicked to make room)
Private Diplomat Channel
Extra voting power for next map (receive two votes instead of one)

Also includes perks on our other servers

Some of the Commands available on the Server

Commands Description
/rules See the rules of the server
/sg help Survival Games Help Screen
/sg vote # Use this command to vote for a map i.e. "/sg vote 1"
/chlist list of available chat channels
/ch [alias] to join a chat channel
/who list of players online
/modreq [description] report grief to a moderator, do this at the grief'd spot
/check to see if your modreq has been answered
/tell [playername] [msg] Send a private message to another player
/ignore [playername] Stop another player from sending you private messages
/warp [name] Visit a warp