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MuttsWorld Minecraft L2d Server



Kill zombies, and stake your claim in the world! Fully destructible town inhabited with a TON of zombies and other wildlife. Can you survive?
Plots available for a safe time between your raids!

Creative Spawn

Server Rules

No client Modifications especially those related to Xray/Movehacks of any sort

Chat Rules

Spam/Advertising of any sort

Minecraft client "glitches"

Do not ask staff for items or ask for mod rank

Do not argue with staff

If you have any issues use /modreq

Please leave room between builds: at least 40 blocks for smaller builds, 100-200 blocks for bigger builds

Diplomat Creative Perks
Teleportation Rights
Bypass the Queue!
Able to build on the main world
Private Diplomat Channel
Remove Obnoxious floating trees instantly!
No Lava Restrictions/Grief Messages

Also includes perks on our other servers