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My name is Shitamashi, or my real name is Tyler. I have been with muttsworld for a while now, but not with this name, I had another name that my friend wanted so we traded. I love play on muttsworld over any other server. I played on every server exept L2D. I currently play on tekkit and want to help. It would be great to be a mod to help people on the server in anyway I can, because I can only do so much as a resident. I always use IRC when I play but do not use teamspeak because I do not have a mic.
Currently I am 17 and going to be 18 in November. I am taking different computer classes to learn programs like CAD and Photoshop at my high school. When I graduate high school i plan on going to college to be an architect or a designer of some kind.
If I am not mod material then i understand, but then please let me know about being an ambassador, or anything I can do to help out muttsworld servers.

Shitamashi (Tyler)

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 8
Teamspeak: No


Sep 07 2012 07:36 AM
Although my server is L2D, I don't know if they want you to be staff, due to the first 4 letters of your username. I might be wrong.
Sorry this is out of topic but ontheradio your cat looks just like mine :o
I know i am not really supposed to comment on apps and stuff, but i do have a few questions. 1. When do you play? (what time of the day) 2. If towards the night how come i have never seen you on IRC? I frequesnt IRC quite often but i don't recall your name being in there UNLESS you have a differnet IRC nickname. Good luck.
Sep 08 2012 11:56 AM

Although my server is L2D, I don't know if they want you to be staff, due to the first 4 letters of your username. I might be wrong.

Since I tried to learn Japanese at one point in my life, I read it like how it is supposed to be pronounced which is Shi-ta-ma-shi. (she-tah-mah-she). Therefore, I don't see the curse word. Speaking about names, if they allow Griefc*nt to play, then I don't see his name being an issue.

Now to the application itself, I'm a mod on the Creative server and really can't speak for the Tekkit server. My advice would be to start with Ambassador first and then work your way up.

Since I tried to learn Japanese at one point in my life, I read it like how it is supposed to be pronounced which is Shi-ta-ma-shi. (she-tah-mah-she). Therefore, I don't see the curse word. Speaking about names, if they allow Griefc*nt to play, then I don't see his name being an issue.

Now to the application itself, I'm a mod on the Creative server and really can't speak for the Tekkit server. My advice would be to start with Ambassador first and then work your way up.

you are right its not a curse word its Japanese

I know i am not really supposed to comment on apps and stuff, but i do have a few questions. 1. When do you play? (what time of the day) 2. If towards the night how come i have never seen you on IRC? I frequesnt IRC quite often but i don't recall your name being in there UNLESS you have a differnet IRC nickname. Good luck.

i play at around 8:00-8:30 pm till about 11:30pm, and my irc name is tamashi, because it thinks my name is a curse word when its not

i play at around 8:00-8:30 pm till about 11:30pm, and my irc name is tamashi, because it thinks my name is a curse word when its not

Ok i may have seen you before. I withdraw from the thread. Good luck!

Ok i may have seen you before. I withdraw from the thread. Good luck!

thank you
Sep 10 2012 08:09 PM
yeah i often refer to myself as blahblahaoshi - it has nothing to do with profanity it's just a Slavonic language reference due to my devout Eastern Orthodox religious beliefs. Please take no offense as i thought you all would be refined enough to see my bitchin' and deeply educated reference.
Sep 11 2012 01:20 AM

yeah i often refer to myself as blablahaoshi - it has nothing to do with profanity it's just a Slavonic language reference due to my devout Eastern Orthodox religious beliefs. Please take no offense as i thought you all would be refined enough to see my bitchin' and deeply educated reference.

I laughed so much at this.
Sep 11 2012 09:08 AM
Did you know that 'douche' means 'shower' in dutch?
Sep 11 2012 07:12 PM
lol sh*t masher
I must bask in the presence of Athena's editing prowess