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Hello railguy_ here and this is my application for Ambassador on the L2D server!

As many of you know I am an Ambassador on PvP, Survival and Creative, so I know what it takes to be Ambassador. I am on L2D quite often when there is no staff online, and could be an asset for those times. I always manage my time and take notice of the times each of the servers I'm ambassador on needs ambassadors. That way I can help at the time help is most needed. I know the commands and channels for L2D (noob, local, global etc.) I also know how those channels are meant to be used, and I will help enforce the channel and overall chat rules. I also understand the players and rules of L2D and I those factors into mind while on L2D. I hardly ever get upset and handle problems very well.

Thanks for reading this application. See you soon.

- railguy_

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 16
Teamspeak: Yes




Oct 13 2013 08:51 PM


I have never seen you on L2D, though you have what it takes to be ambassador, I don't quite approve of you yet, you are ambassador on so many servers that we would never have time to see you, as for ambassadors we have many that visit frequently. Spend more time there, learn the commands, but as for now enjoy your time playing. Sorry Rail, but I'm gonna have to put a -1.



I have never seen you on L2D, though you have what it takes to be ambassador, I don't quite approve of you yet, you are ambassador on so many servers that we would never have time to see you, as for ambassadors we have many that visit frequently. Spend more time there, learn the commands, but as for now enjoy your time playing. Sorry Rail, but I'm gonna have to put a -1.


Thanks for the comment Josh. I understand where you are coming from, if ever needed I am always here to lend a hand. As for my activity on L2D I played old L2D on another account, and played L2D when it re-opened on railguy_. Though I was in absentee quite a bit after my promotions on Survival and PvP. Again I enjoy good constructive criticism, thanks again.

- railguy_

I played old L2D on another account,

I'm sorry sir, but it is required that you share this account name to become current L2D ambassador.

    • chazzapower2109 and Saiff8300 like this

I'm sorry sir, but it is required that you share this account name to become current L2D ambassador.

lol, give it up ktb

lol, give it up ktb


    • Saiff8300 likes this




Yo dats a -26



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    • chazzapower2109 likes this

No Offense Rail, but You have so many other servers that your an ambassador of, I just don't feel you will be able to look after all of them at once so -1 from me.

This application was denied = stop responding. I have taken the advice of others and decided to put my main focus on PvP and helping on Survival and Creative. Thank you.




Oct 26 2013 10:16 PM
Railguy is the only person i've seen in a long time that has made an app who actually appears to be qualified. That's my two cents.
Nov 26 2013 08:25 AM
Who denied railman.
I will end them

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