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I have recently turned 18 on September 12. I have noticed a lack of moderators on when i am on, I am not really sure what time zone i'm in. I live in Chandler Arizona. I work at Pet Smart, I am a animal and human associate so I work with many animals and humans everyday. I can handle obnoxious people on the server and off the server also. I may not know every command, But i'll memorize them as best as I can.

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 15
Teamspeak: Yes


I can't say that I've seen much of you on IRC, which really is a good place to be able to talk with others, can't comment on TS since I am rarely there. You're a great builder, but I don't know that I've seen much activity with the rest of helping others in game. Call it a +.5 for me, pending seeing more activity in game along the line of doing what help you can. Also... check out http://muttsworldmin...tionliimebloop/ for a little more fleshed out application that you might want to look at and consider revising a bit.
I personally have seen you help on tekkit a lot and I'd like to see you with some sort of staff position. I feel as though you would be a helpful ambassador/mod
sammich i actually just turned 18. i had a fake age for awhile because i hate people saying ooo your 17 years you must be on your period and crap. it got annoying so i changed my age. so i did lie to people saying i was 15-16

sammich i actually just turned 18. i had a fake age for awhile because i hate people saying ooo your 17 years you must be on your period and crap. it got annoying so i changed my age. so i did lie to people saying i was 15-16

Sounds like bull to me.
Sep 16 2012 02:54 AM

ooo your 17 years you must be on your period

Who on earth asks a question like that?
    • BuffaloSoldier3 and Schnuffels like this

sammich i actually just turned 18. i had a fake age for awhile because i hate people saying ooo your 17 years you must be on your period and crap. it got annoying so i changed my age. so i did lie to people saying i was 15-16

It's normal for girls to start at the age of 14, so lieing about being 15-16 to avoid statements like that doesn't make sense to me.... =/

It's normal for girls to start at the age of 14, so lieing about being 15-16 to avoid statements like that doesn't make sense to me.... =/

Maybe it's just me, but i feel like this topic really is flying away from the actuall staff application we should problably stick to the subject instead of talking about 14-year olds on their period ...
    • nrokin and Schnuffels like this
This app is a pile of bull.
Age is a lie
    • nrokin likes this
My age isnt a lie. I wouldnt lie to everyone on a server just to get a spot as staff. you would be surprised how many trolls i had on my *** about it, so if you think i'm lieing just keep thinking that I cant change your mind. Plus how about we drop the topic of periods and talk about the application please.
Sep 16 2012 02:11 PM
Lies lies lies denied
nrokin thats just me having fun. after that I said to type /ch g