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I am very devoted to this server(Creative). I make sure that I always follow the rules, and try to help others as much as I can. I am quite experienced with minecraft, and would love to help the people of MuttsWorld. In fact, I get disgusted when I see spam or even GRIEF on a CREATIVE SERVER! I mean, why destroy when you have unlimited blocks! I was on the creative server the other day, and there was a huge fight with spam. It was so bad, that someone eventually got banned, even when Rawrsxc wasn't feeling well due to some issues. I want to be able to fight grief and spam! (I am also good at tekkit if it helps at all! :) )
P.S. I am 14 years old, going on 15 in December. I may be a bit young, but I am responsible, and I have heard that a current mod is only 16. Thank you!


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: Yes


Sep 01 2012 10:27 PM
I forgot to mention. I am an admin on another server and a mod on another server that got taken down. :(