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hi...Im TheSteamFox
im known to play with my friends and others as well...
I play everyday...and I am every1's friend "cough"mostly"Cough"
I play creative everyday....and I get along well with everyone...
(srry for the repeat)
I monitor chat sometimes...and sometimes ill request for one of the admins from another server to come on and deal with the person who wont stop using profanity or *cough* Sexual Harassment *Cough*
(people who come on sometimes try to sexually harass people...)
I will keep the peace in the server...
honestly I can only be on during the later hours of the day, but usually I am someone everyone trusts...


I love you guys and this server.
~Your Boy Steam.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 56
Teamspeak: Yes


Sep 22 2016 09:14 PM
Would you like some cough medicine?
Also, I've never seen you on.

    • DisturbdGuy and Bambam2098 like this