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Hello just a washer here~


I've recently left creative as being a Mod due to not being on as much but have found a renewed love for PVP/kingdoms. In the past I was amby for towny and enjoyed the times doing so though it wasn't round for long by the time I had applied. I know the ropes around being amby and Mod though haven't done much survival orientated Modding (being creative orientated mainly cx) though have modded a long while ago in skyblock and minigames.
Being the Nooblet that I am (as mr_buzz might say...) I would like to apply for either Ambass or Mod depending on which is in need for demand and I hope to be of help~



  • Jenna_Bae likes this

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: No
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 32
Teamspeak: Yes