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Hello, my name is Gabriel. I think I should be allowed to be a staff because I love helping with people. I have been in this community for a very long time. If I did get staff, you know how people ask for stuff right, and so if they did I would say staffs are not allowed to do that sort or stuff. so this is my report and this is my reason i am applying for staff bye.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 25
Teamspeak: Yes


Hello there!

The basic outline of your application is okay, but there's room for improvement. You stated that you love helping people, why not tell us how you can help people? Then we'll get a basic idea of what you can do. Give more examples of how you're a valuable player that could be a potential staff member. 


And answer this question,

What can I do to make the server a better place?

You kind of answered it - but I recommend going more in depth.


Good luck,
