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Hello this is creepertk and I would like to apply for Ambassador in PVP/Towny. I have been wanting to apply for this position for a while now and I have just now decided it was the right time to do so. I am normally on PVP any chance I get. I have memorized the rules and commands of the server and I am always there to aid the new players when they are in need.

Though I have not been a member of the server for a long time I have quickly retained the commands to the added plugins. I would like to apply for this role on the server to be able to keep chat clean, keep players under control, maintain a healthy playing environment for players, and to be able advise newcomers/ those who don't yet understand the commands. I also have both Teamspeak and IRC and will do my best to remain active on both.

I am a very friendly player in the community and will be able to resolve problems and sticky situations. I have originally played on both the original Towny and PVP server so I know the ways of both of the servers. I have dealt with many conflicts in the past and always easily and fairly work them out. By watching the way mods/ambassadors handle spam, advertising, caps, and other chat problems I learned the best ways to handle these situations (for spam and caps you must warn the player kindly yet strictly two times and then if it continues to occur it will resolve in a mute). When handling these situations I will be unbiased and be fair to the player. While being ambassador all players will be treated equally making all decisions unbiased and equal to all.

Thank you for taking your time reading my application!
Thanks ~

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 6
Teamspeak: Yes


Nov 12 2014 02:54 PM
On my time on the server I don't see you in global chat that much and when you do you aren't helping someone out. So start helping out more and be more active on irc and teamspeak.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • dweed44 likes this
XTR3M3_PENGUINS ,I respectfully disagree. I guess you arent on when creepertk is on or you would see that she is indeed a very helpful player. She is also very active on both IRC and TS.

I do not see you in IRC often, but You are on TS

You are both friendly and helpful, however if you were more present in Chat it would help.

It's not just an ambassador rank, its a community figure.


Be more outgoing and have some fun in chat.



I like you, and if I know PVP, they need people to keep matty under control...



    • 0moonpearl0 and creepertk like this

they need people to keep matty under control...


Thats not even possible...
They all keep trying
And it keeps me entertained....

Attached Files

    • creepertk likes this
Nice person, owner of a town with 40+ people, thus being. She is known. +1
    • creepertk likes this
Nov 29 2014 01:08 AM

You killed me TWICE, and you know I'm the best at pvp so that must of been hard as matty.... 


You're nice, and you help me when i'm in need +1 

    • Mattyddub and creepertk like this