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i want to be staff because I love muttsworld its one of my favorit servers I don't mind if I get staff or not I just want to make sure the server is safe at all costs if I do get accepted id be the best I can Ill help in anyway possible! some people don't believe in me though I know I can do it I can do anything when I put my mind to it I love muttsworld I love its players and more look I know I this isn't probably gonna be a essay but its the best I can do I just want to be staff to help the server in anyway possible idc what others think of me I just want to help out! I promise you i'll always do my best!

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: Yes


You really should read bit.ly/MuttsApply

5 months of muttsworld is not enough 

5 months of muttsworld is not enough

Depends on how mature the player is and how much help they provide

Ema played for like 3 months before ambass

Oct 15 2016 12:54 PM

Ema played for like 3 months before ambass

no she played for like for 4 years before she became ambassador

    • piggypotter113 likes this

no she played for like for 4 years before she became ambassador

Point remains valid, though, that we have had folks staff'd after only a couple months online. ;)

    • piggypotter113 likes this