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Having been staff previously on mutts (mod on creative, demoted due to inactivity) -I completely accept the reason for my demotion. I am interested in becoming part of the staff team on survival. After a short space of being inactive due to my exams, I have now finished and plan to become more active again. I know all the commands and rules to being a staff member on mutts.


I am currently also an ambassador on creative. I am 16 and am going to be moving onto college when the summer break ends. I live in the united kingdom and can come on earlier when there isn't many staff to supervise the server. I see myself as sociable and friendly towards others and happy to help if I were needed.


Not only that but I am also a long time mutts player with the experience needed to become a staff member. over the next few months, I will become more active. I have discord which I could use and am also staff on discord.
I will be more than happy to join the staff community on survival and am happy to help the mutts community more. ^-^

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 60
Teamspeak: Yes


Good application  :-P

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