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So here it goes.
I would like to put in my application for ambass again.
I've been getting back into mc (mostly playing on a differnt, private server), and just started mutts survival again. So I'm thinking hey, might as well apply for ambass to help moderate chat when I can, and possibly help steer new players in the right direction. I've been ambass once before many moons ago, but was demoted due to inactivity. I will not lie, between work, friends, and simply playing other vidya, I may not be as active as would be required. I will stick to playing on mutts though as I have given away my old home and plan to start a new one.


Some Pros:
I have slight w/e experience (even though it's unnecessary for this app).
I have some notes from previous orientation on commands.
I'm also on the discords.


Some negative things!
I'm not always the greatest at typing, or use of grammar (shorthand & hunt and peck ftw!)
I tend to be a relcluse some days where I have 0 desire to interact. (Maybe a small hello and yep here and there)


With all of that taken into consideration, I hope you enjoyed my app and I'll see you on the servers!


P.S. I've been playing on mutts for a little over 5 years now, hopefully bam could vouch for me on that ;)

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 60
Teamspeak: Yes


Good application, good luck!

    • UnknownEvil likes this

Great Application!

    • UnknownEvil likes this